Presentation from webinar 17.11.2021

electric propulsion, innovation, career opportunities, work on international projects

Presentation from webinar 17.11.2021 organised by Horizon 2020 project GIESEPP MP in collaboration with Switch to Space & YouSpace and Horizon 2020 project AETHER.

Space Mobility and Propulsion 

Keynote speaker

Senior Advisor at ESA and (formerly) the first president of the Portuguese Space Agency | Dr. Chiara Manfletti

Work at international project GIESEPP MP with the aim to boost Europe’s competitiveness in the global satellite market 

GIESEPP MP Project Coordinator Product Line Manager for Electric Propulsion at ArianeGroup GmbH | Cyril Dietz

Engineering Career in EP 

Pilar Valles | Test Engineer

High qualified testing and engineering services in the fields of vacuum technology and Electric Propulsion for spacecraft 

Test Engineer AEROSPAZIO Tecnologie s.r.l. | Marco Bartali

Research in plasma physics 

Senior Scientist, PhD, laboratory management at JLU Gießen | Dr. Kristof Holste

Propellantless spacecraft: seriously? The AETHER Project: how advanced propulsion can reshape the space scenario

Director of SITAEL’s EP technology development team | Tommaso Andreussi

“Switch to Space” a tool to give a clear vision of the numerous domains of space

The Chair of YouSpace and Switch to space | Dominique Tilmans

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