Milestone – Decision Key Point on Requirements

Compared to GIESEPP, the GIESEPP MP consortia

With a slightly modified setup compared to GIESEPP, the GIESEPP MP consortia has performed several tasks during the first months of the project. Technically one of the very first tasks was to update and align the Electric Propulsion requirements both on system and component level. Thereby the particular challenges were to conciliate heritage requirements from GIESEPP with newly generated ones in particular as outcome of Airbus´ latest market analysis while at the same time flowing in those requirements in a relatively late phase of product life cycle.

But with an agile mindset and solid pragmatism those changes where embraced and a sound new frame defining mission, functions, design, performance and validation was presented during a formal Decision Key Point DKP which allowed to commonly align all parties on the main requirements and design decisions but also highlight the most critical requirements in order to set the frame for the further continuation of the project.

“This time – and probably more than we are usually encountered with – a particular focus was put on industrialisation and commercialisation aspects of requirements which helped us looking to the project under a slightly different aspect.”

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